Research Cruises

Here you will find a reverse chronologic list of the reserach expeditions Dr. Burkett has been involved in. Hopefully this will give visttors an idea of the work I participate in and assist current reserach students in locating documents they need for projects. 

Check out where things are on this 3D Tour! 

Alvin Verification Cruise

Originally scheduled for October of 2021, issues with components delayed this cruise. 

R/V Revelle 2022

Scheduled for July of 2022, students will have the opportunity to sail and collect multicore and gravity core samples off the coast of San Diego! Many of my students are taking thier first tips to sea! Hopefully they will share their perspectives here. 

IODP 392

Jan to April 2022 aboard the RV JOIDES Resolution. For more information about the scientific details of the cruise check out this link. For information written for the general audience and a record of the blogs published during the cruise check out this link


Rathburn Crest Cruises

Revelle (July 2022), Oceanus (OC1907b), Sally Ride (SR1807),  

IODP 344

Your text... 

Hydrate Ridge

Your text... we went here twice: AT18-10 and AT15-68

San Diego

Your text...NH1108

AT15-54 Costa Rica II

Your text...

Super Short- Student cruises


24hr Cruise